Charles Fisher

Full Stack Web Development

About Charles

I'm a Software Engineer specializing in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and MySQL; I graduated from Northwestern University’s Bootcamp where I earned a Certificate in Full Stack Web Development. I'm able to leverage previous experience as a librarian and philosophy instructor to think logically about structuring code, understand workflow in teams, and to formulate precise questions to secure resources needed to finish projects.

My expertise includes collaborating with clients who have an information need, but are unsure as to how to fulfill said need. I know how to help clients understand what they want, and to deliver that to them. I am passionate about creating web applications that clients can’t resist. I want to help your company create these irresistible apps, and to learn as much as I can to help deliver that vision.

In the past I've taught philosophy and worked in libraries. In the present I practice Tae Kwon Do, and nurture 2 cats and one D&D game.


Nanny Now

Nanny Now allows parents who need to find a nanny to connect with people who offer their nanny services. Parents make a profile that describes their needs and search for nannies in their area.

Demo for Nanny Now App

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Node.js, MySQL

Show Match

Show Match lets a user search for movies and tv shows, retrieve a list of results, and click a View Now button to see a YouTube trailer for that show.

Demo for Show Match App

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap TMDB api, YouTube api


dollarSense is a financial literacy app that educates users and practices budgeting.

Demo for eCommerce App

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React.js, MongoDB, Mongoose


Front End

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • Flex Box and Grid
  • Responsive Design

Back End

  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • ORM


  • Agile
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • MVC
  • Unit Testing
  • RESTful